So what plants are in the new hedge?

Our new evergreen hedge is taking shape nicely. Here’s a rundown of the key shrubs that we’ve planted…

Griselinia littoralis (Family: Griseliniaceae)

·        G. littoralis is a fast-growing, large, upright evergreen shrub with light green, broadly oval leaves. Flowers are yellow-green, very small, followed by purple fruits on female plants, where both sexes are grown together.



Elaeagnus ebbinggei (Family: Elaeagnaceae)

·        E. ebbingei is a large, dense, rounded evergreen shrub with broad, leathery, dark or metallic sea-green leaves, silvery scaly beneath, and small, fragrant white flowers in autumn.




English Yew: Taxus boccata (Family: Taxaceae)

·        T. baccata is a medium-sized bushy evergreen tree with narrow, leathery, very dark green leaves arranged in two rows on the shoots. Little flowers are followed on the female plants by fleshy red fruits.



Portuguese Laurel (Prunus lusitanica Angustifolia)

With its dark foliage against maroon coloured stems, the Portugese laurel creates a striking contrast, whilst its flowers and berries provide interest for wildlife such as birds and bees.


In the rec, it will mark the end of this section between the small yew hedge and the telephone/Sky box. These plants will be allowed to grow more freely and not be cut into the hedge.