How to get involved

Find out all the different ways you can get involved in the work of the Friends of Conway Rec...

Join us on an Activity day

All are welcome to help out on one of our regular Activity Days. Just come and hep as you can, which might mean weeding, litter-picking, digging up hedges or wading in the pond. Find out the next date by checking the website or signing up for our email updates.

Sign up for email updates

For updates about Activity days and Open Meetings, and other relevant information, just send your contact details to

Read our newsletter

The print version of the newsletter comes out quarterly, and is posted through the doors of local streets.

Have your say at our Open Meetings

All local residents are welcome to join us at our regular open Meetings, which are held in the Tennis Clubhouse about every two months. Dates are announced by email and on the website.

For updates about Activity days and Open Meetings, and other relevant information, just send your contact details to

Make a donation

From time to time, we ask for voluntary donations to help us keep up the good work of maintaining the Rec. We’ll only ask when we have real need, and we’ll always explain exactly what the funds are for.

Join the Committee

We’re always looking for people who’d be interested in joining the Committee, which oversees the work in the Rec and the planning, financing and delivery of particular projects. Committee members are elected each year at an Annual General Meeting. If you’d like to get involved, email us at