Work day 19th May 2024

A small but select group undertook: In addition, the first moves were made in renovating the noticeboard which has been prone to condensation and, therefore, aquagenic illegibility, to coin a…

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Work day November 26th 2023

Weather permitted and the volunteers got stuck in to some Autumnal work. The following jobs were tackled with gusto, panache and oodles of skill:  In the Dell (behind Court 5), intrusive…

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Work day August 13th, 2023

Even in peak holiday season, a healthy quorum of Reccers managed a relaxing work day on a pleasant Conway Sunday morning. If you couldn’t make this one, don’t worry, a…

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Work day July 9th 2023

Despite unusually short notice, we had a good turnout on Sunday and some excellent work was done as and when the coffee break allowed. We were delighted to welcome loyal…

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Work day June 11th 2023

Despite temperatures in the high 20’s, a valiant band of Friends trimmed the hedge separating the tennis courts from the Conway Rd path constructed a new barley boom weeded and…

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