Sunday Oct 18 was a lovely day. Thank you all for joining in and helping to keep our little park in shape. If you couldn’t make it, rest assured that you were missed and we hope to catch up again soon.
Well done, workers! We were blessed with comfortable weather and a lot got done, including:
- the construction and launch of a new barley boom;
- a thorough tidy of twig/branch debris from under the oaks and along the top path;
- a gentle trim of the evergreen hedge, maintaining visibility while retaining rich foliage;
- a search for lost pond edging and further removal of destructive roots;
- a substantial thinning of our rampant bulrush and removal of debris;
- mowing and tidying of areas around the pond in readiness for spring flowers;
- clearing, tidying and replanting of the courtside wild flower bed;
- a litter pick and washing of display panels;
- barrowing of sweepings and green waste to the collection point;
- pruning of trees on the slope and the courtside deciduous hedges.
Thanks one and all – and see you again soon.
Posted in Our Work