Work Day report: Aug 2nd 2020

Thanks to all for their huge efforts for Sunday’s work day. The weather was idyllic and, between us, we got a lot done. If you couldn’t join the show this time, we look forward to seeing you on another occasion. 

Here’s the tick list:.

  • Pen Corner flower bed planted and beautified
  • Path-side railings painted an elegant black     
  • Court 4 roadside hedge: cleared and prepared for planting
  • Court 1 roadside hedge: cleared and prepared for planting
  • Clubhouse wisteria organised
  • Green waste transported to collection corner
  • Compost supplemented and managed
  • Court 3 park-side hedge pruned
  • Sludge removed from pond and barrowed to compost
  • Pathway past Court 5 to the Dell shaped for wheelbarrow entry
  • Access route to water barrel in Evan Row cleared
  • Access route to water barrel by Clubhouse cleared both sides
  • Litter picked
  • Base for Pen Corner brick planter prepared
  • Repaired bat box bravely installed
  • Grassy slopes reclined upon and chocolates consumed            

Well done all: a blooming good effort. 

See you again on Sunday 30 August.

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