Thanks so much for everyone’s fabulous efforts in late April. The learning circle hole was a triumph! Przemek has since completed phase 1, and we can now turn our minds to the less strenuous (but equally challenging) design phase.
The hole may be the most noticeable impact of your labours, but a mass of other important work was done. A number of people who were around on the day mentioned how much they value what our volunteers do. They clearly notice the improvement and it makes a real difference to the local community.
It was great to see so many of our regulars and lovely that Alison was able to join us. Alison and Jeremy have already contributed in other ways to the Friends’ work, and it’s always good to see a new team member in action.
Good, too, that Lisa and family called in – as you may know, we’ve secured Council agreement to a pilot of Lisa’s Little Free Library idea. Lisa now needs to find a carpenter able to make the necessary storage container. If anyone knows anyone, do let us know.
Thanks again to our friends from the Enfield Conservation Volunteers. As ever, you contributed hugely to our ability to move things forward.
ECV have also offered to help us again on Sunday 16 June, so pop that Work Day date in your diary too.
Next Work Day: May 26th and Sunday 16 June
See you around 10am for another action-packed day!
(All this and art, too!)