Thanks to all for turning out for a spot of work yesterday, and a special welcome to new volunteer Donal.
It was a mite cooler than forecast and almost thirty rain droplets were spotted. But none of these climatic challenges daunted our sturdy Reccers. Mosaic and display panels were cleaned, intruding branches were cut back in the Dell, green waste was stacked for collection, the pond was cleared, hedges were pruned, bulbs were planted, litter was picked, paths were swept and tidied, compost was topped up and vintage tennis balls were bagged for doggie delight. Oh, and hot drinks and cakes were consumed with kind donations received to supplement Reccy resources.
For your diary, we have two forthcoming dates:
- AGM: 7.15 for 7.30pm on Mon 20 Feb in the Clubhouse
- Reccers Work Day: 10am on Sunday 26 Feb in a Rec near you.
We’ll be in touch again about each event. Meantime, stay warm and well.