Hedge Heaven: March 2017 Work Day report

Many thanks to all who joined our March Work Day, and especially the Enfield Conservation Volunteers, who once again lent their horticultural expertise and boundless energy to our cause.

We got lots done! We have now cleared all the Leylandii and prepared much of the ground for planting. This means we are well on track with our plan to replace this invasive and non-native species with more attractive native hedging plants, such as yew. Planting will begin in April.

Once again, you all helped us make turn a small forkful into a giant leap. Compost heavenly, booming wonderful, pruning perfect, leaves discreetly relocated, Derek’s pot plants watered and proudly displayed… but above all that massive trench means we can now defend the Rec from ground attack!

Thanks again everyone – and stand by for the next Work Day date…

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