We were fortunate to receive a grant from Biffa last year. The money helped us renew and secure the pond-edge, and buy native flowers, shrubs and trees. We’ll apply for a further grant to build on what’s been achieved. Fingers crossed! In the meantime, the Friends can offer planning, motivation and muscle power, but some financial support is needed.
Will you help?
If every local household that enjoys the Rec and benefits from our efforts could contribute, say, £10, we could continue to make a difference through the year. If a local business felt able to contribute more, we’d be pleased to recognise the help. If you could drop through our Treasurer’s door (42, Conway Road) an envelope containing a note or cheque made out to ‘The Friends of Conway Recreation Ground’ we (and the moorhens) would be very grateful. Please leave your name and address (or business card). It’s good to know our benefactors – but we’ll respect your personal privacy, of course.