Next Work Day: Sunday, 23 October, 2016

Thanks to all who made it to the last Work Day to work in and on the Rec. We had an especially strong team of younger members, each of whom made a notable contribution. Two bags of litter and a massive pile of compost bear testament to their efforts.

Otherwise, wild flowers were (very largely) protected, booms were raised, planting areas were prepared, com was posted, grass was mowed and strimmed – and ginger biscuits were recycled.

Even more important than ginger biscuits, our next work day takes place on Sunday October 23. All are very welcome to come and muck in. The water barrels and biscuit barrel will have been refilled and Martin, our weather prophet, has already arranged for gentle autumnal weather…

Do please come and join us – or just pop by to say hello!

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