The work of maintaining and improving Conway Rec is gladly taken on by a growing band of willing volunteers. We apply for grants, and sometimes succeed, and the Council helps as much as it can in these austere times.
But the fact remains that the continuing work does need financial support. People regularly give their time and energy, but tools, plants, materials and occasional specialist help have to be paid for. And our funds are gradually running down.
It’s three years since we last asked, but if you think the efforts are worthwhile and would like to see them continue, we’d be very grateful for a donation. Even the smallest contribution can help.
We’d be very grateful for a donation, even the smallest contribution can help.
The easiest way might be to pop your donation (cash or cheque) through our Treasurer’s door (42 Conway Road) with your name and address; we will of course acknowledge. And if you are stuck in the house, we’d be happy to drop by: just email us at the address below and we’ll contact you to arrange a suitable time.
Thanks for thinking of us.