Diary date; Next Work Day is December 4!

We now have a date for the final Work Day of 2016 – Sunday, 4 December, with the start time of 10am. And though this is a horticulturally challenging time of year, there’s still plenty of work to be done…

We’ll be looking at improving the bomb craters on the Leylandii-Dixon line, which may mean some stump removal and preparation for planting in due course. We also hope to lay a few more paving stones.

Leaf gunge removal from the pond is another essential task, not least because the rot contributes to the over-rich sludge that in turn promotes blanket weed. And of course, for the younger ones litter-picking is always very welcome – we even have special grabs and collecting bags for the purpose!

Fancy joining in? You’re very welcome!

Don’t forget – Work Days are open to anyone. If you fancy lending a helping hand, even if it’s just for half an hour, we’d love to see you.

We always love to see new faces and this time there’s the added bonus of mulled pies and minced wine* in the Tennis Clubhouse at 12.45.

Do please come and join us – or just pop by to say hello!

*Or is it the other way round? Sorry we may have started early…

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