Work day: May 29th 2022

Glorious weather again and an excellent turnout of enthusiastic volunteers achieved the following:

  • A cherry tree was planted at the eastern end of the pond.
  • Some debris was cleared from the same end.
  • The Conway/Cannon evergreen hedge was gently pruned.
  • The new, battery-operated strimmer was put to the test and several areas tidied.
  • Brambles were discouraged along the path alongside court 5 leading to the Dell. 
  • The bindweed beginning to climb on the back fence of court 5 was removed to improve visibility of the beautiful trees now growing there.
  • Trees and shrubs planted around the Rec relatively recently benefited from some clearing/weeding/grass-cutting around their bases.
  • Litter was carefully picked (up). 
  • A second (smaller) brick planter (above) was initiated at Pen Corner.
  • We also celebrated our brilliant Treasurer’s birthday with cake(s) and a song. 
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