We’re delighted to announce that we’ve just been awarded £600 from the Friends’ Fund run by Enfield Council. The money will go towards an additional and much-needed storage shed behind the clubhouse, where we can safely stow our mowers and bigger tools.
The Friends Fund initiative has been running for a few years and is designed to support the work of voluntary groups such as ours.
The Friends Fund initiative has been running for a few years and is designed to support the work of voluntary groups such as ours. If a group achieves 100 hours of voluntary work in a year, it becomes eligible for the Gold level of recognition and can apply for up to £1000, though sharing what’s available generally means awards don’t usually quite hit that amount.
Conway Rec has been fortunate in winning a grant each time we’ve bid. Last year we received £650 and this year £600.
The award is a tribute to the support and hard work of all our volunteers. Our most recent Work Day, with 17 volunteers in action, almost qualified us for the Gold level in a single day!