Our latest Work Day was followed by a most enjoyable but appropriately distanced Big(ish) Lunch on the grassy slopes of your local Recreational Park.
With freshly mown grass, abundant blossom, water lilies and a new brood of moor-chicks, our green surroundings were a beautiful complement to a warm and sunny day.
As a fair bit of heavy work got done on our last Work Day, our Reccing theme this time round was TLC.
Litter picking, path sweeping, flower-bed weeding, wood chip spreading, pond-clearing, grass trimming around shrubs and trees, and composting were all helpful inputs. We also cleared the path behind the tennis clubhouse to make it rather easier to access the tool sheds.
Around noon the focus switched easily to picnic mode, with folk relaxing on the grassy slopes to enjoy a bit of refreshment and a chat.
We were a small but perfectly formed gathering and – as our pictures will attest – a good time was indeed had by all. Once again, we realise how lucky we are to have the space needed to follow the rules while remaining sociable.
Thanks one and all – and stay tuned for news of the next Work Day…